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Spellucci Institute

The gateway to the world of personnel administration

Together with Inaz, Istituto Spellucci promotes a series of training initiatives, with final certification, creating expert Payroll Operators, aware and equipped to deal with all the complexities of personnel management.

The Spellucci Institute has been training and developing talent professionally since 1936. It is the point of reference, in Rome and Lazio, for all those who seek a career in business administration, who want to prepare for public competitions and want to be updated in the field of digital communication and office automation.

A historic training center, but always in step with the times

It was 1936 when Francesco Spellucci and his wife Renata founded a school of steno-typing and accounting in Rome. Thus was born one of the oldest Italian companies in the field of professional training, which has trained generations of stenographers of the Senate and the Chamber and still today, with its team of qualified teachers and consultants, creates expert and competent figures in many areas of business administration. Many changes have taken place over the years, in order to offer an educational program that is always up-to-date with the latest trends in the job market and based on the most innovative tools. But the values of the school now directed by Renato Spellucci, son of the founders, continue to be the same: ethics, passion, professionalism, attention to the person. The Spellucci Institute offers courses in business administration, personnel administration, payroll, accounting and management control, information technology, office automation, captioning and respeaking, communication and press office. He has prepared hundreds of public competition winners over the past two decades. The office is located in the center of Rome, in Via Santa Croce di Gerusalemme 83, in a space of 400 square meters with equipped classrooms and laboratories. The school is authorized by the Lazio Region as a structure suitable for higher and continuing education.

Knowing and doing. to take the first steps in personnel management

“To train aware operational figures, capable of applying procedures but who also know the fundamentals of the subject. To transmit skills that can be used immediately in the job market, but also to provide solid bases for future career development in the field of human resources. This is the approach of our Payroll Operator courses, the one that generations of students at the Spellucci Institute consider successful. Word of Renato Spellucci, who with his team of teachers and consultants forms the future experts in payroll, contributions and labor law that will be inserted in the Human Resources Offices of companies. And that from there they can begin diversified paths within the personnel management industry. We have been offering this type of course since the 1970s, and obviously the tools have been revolutionized since then,” continues Spellucci. “At one time, pay slips were made with paper, pen and calculator, while now there is software with very sophisticated functions. What is certain is that the figure of the payroll operator remains fundamental in any company, and that this is a role that requires very specific training and constant professional updating, because the rules are constantly evolving. It’s a real profession.” And among those who are interested in taking up this profession are both new graduates who intend to specialize in payroll and contributions, and graduates who want to acquire the operability that represents a plus in the curriculum. Renato Spellucci confirms, “In recent years, it is increasingly common for people with an academic background to feel the need to gain experience with the software in order to have something more to propose to HR recruiters. Also because having a thorough knowledge of the payroll topic is fundamental for a career in any field related to HR”.


Since the 1980s, when information technology began to revolutionize the processing of payroll, Istituto Spellucci has been using Inaz procedures and software for over thirty years to train its students. Since the beginning of 2013, the school has intensified its collaboration with Inaz to provide, at the end of the training period, the certification of Inaz Payroll Operator, immediately spendable in the world of work. The certified course “Payroll, Contributions and Employment Law”, of 120 hours, takes place between theory lessons and practical exercises. The lessons are divided into four modules: payroll and contributions, labor law, tax law, Inaz software, . Among the teachers of the course there is Daniele La Rocca, Labour Consultant and long-time collaborator of the Centro Studi Inaz, to whom are entrusted the parts of the course related to the regulations concerning work, social security and tax. “At the end of the course -concludes Renato Spellucci- even students who start from scratch are able to professionally manage payroll and contributions and can place themselves in the most diverse areas of business management.”


The training period at Istituto Spellucci ends with two days of exams in the presence of an Inaz Payroll Specialist who helps to verify the level of preparation of the participants. Certifying the skills acquired is important in order to give our students the opportunity to distinguish themselves in the world of work,” explains Spellucci. The Inaz procedures are among the most widespread in the personnel offices of companies and public bodies and in consulting firms: such a prestigious certification represents a guarantee for recruiters”.

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