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Expense Report Expense report management

The software for managing employee travel and expense reports

Expense Notes: the essential support for travelers and for those who administer staff on assignment

Inaz Expense Report is the web application dedicated to the management of expense reports and mission reimbursements.

Note Expenses is a comprehensive and reliable solution, the result of Inaz’s long and extensive experience in this field. Easily customizable, the software is simple and intuitive even for novice users. It allows you to manage the preventive planning of travel, the compilation of expense reports by traveling personnel, reporting, analysis and control in the administrative area. The software for managing expense reports is:

  • Multi-company, multi-currency and multi-language
  • Web-based, works with any browser on PCs, tablets and smartphones
  • Quick to install and start up

Expense report: the features

Inaz Expense Report is a solution that allows you to manage staff travel in the operational environment and support the compilation of employee expense reports. In the administrative field it is a decisive tool for analysis and control.

Features include:

  • Authorization/enforcement flows
  • Expense reporting
  • Consistency check of company policies and fiscal ceilings
  • Automatic currency and exchange rate management
  • Automatic authorization, disbursement and repayment of advances
  • Management of prepaid, air and rail tickets
  • Analysis and control through the Reporting Module
  • Data export for accounting and payments

Expense claim: mode of delivery

The software is available in:

  • License
  • ASP
  • Outsourcing

The advantages

The application for managing employee expense reports and travel has several advantages for the company:

  • LESS COSTS: Corporate policies and tax caps take center stage
  • MORE SECURITY: Automated workflow, approval and authorization
  • LESS TIME: Fast data entry and automatic data transmission to general and analytical accounting
  • MORE INFORMATION: Easy extraction of data for statistical processing

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