Assets and Benefits Corporate assets and benefits management

The solution for the correct management of corporate tools and devices

Organization, monitoring and management of company benefits

The Assets and Benefits module is the software dedicated to the management of corporate welfare, it allows you to coordinate the allocation of corporate tools and devices such as cars, corporate PCs, credit cards and so on.

In every company there are endowments that need to be surveyed, kept efficient and assigned to the right person. Whether you are talking about company assets pooled among workers and used by them as needed, or benefits permanently in the hands of employees, such as phones and cars, you always need to know who is using what.

But not only that. Company equipment should be maintained, updated in accordance with legal deadlines and, if it becomes obsolete or unsuitable for the ever-changing needs of the business, replaced.

All this involves costs, related to devices and utilities that must be carefully monitored and compared to the budget.

Assets and Benefits: the features

HR Inaz – Assets & Benefits is the software for the management of corporate welfare, integrating the data of staff, tasks, duties with the tools provided, such as:

  • Company cars, telepass and viacard: manages, maintains and assigns company cars, keeps under control the expiry dates of contracts, insurance, vignettes, coupons, revisions, as well as related expenses. During the vehicle assignment phase, the employee is asked for key identifying information. During its use, it is possible to detect the mileage by indicating the kilometers at the beginning of the period, those at the end and the number of kilometers done for the work activity. For each vehicle, it is also possible to record the maintenance operations divided into ordinary and extraordinary maintenance. Ordinary maintenance is that relating to periodic coupons, for each operation you can indicate the miles in which the coupon was performed, the date on which the intervention was carried out and its cost. Among the different elements that can be managed are the stamp duty and the car insurance: for both of them, the related schedule can also be managed. The data of fines can also be recorded with the possibility of attaching an electronic copy of the fine. Additional items that can be managed within the Assets and Benefits module are Telepass devices, Viacards, and Fuel Cards. A series of inquiry functions are available in addition to the previously described managements:
    • recognition of fuel costs by period
    • routine maintenance costs
    • extraordinary maintenance costs
    • Telepass and Viacard costs
    • car vignette and insurance schedule
  • Cell phones, SIM: it is possible to inventory all devices with the identification data of the device in addition to the brand, model and information about the contract and its expiration.
  • Tablets, laptops: it is possible to inventory all the devices present in the company, listing their hardware features and related accessories.
  • Apartments: it is possible to store in the system the list of apartments assigned to employees with evidence of the assignee.
  • Other accessories

Device management is expedited at every step
, from the identification of the tool that will be used by the individual (or the given department or organizational unit), to the asset assignment letter to be signed by the employee.

On the one hand, you’ll always know who is using what, which allocations are occupied and which are available. On the other hand, you will always have under control the deadlines of contracts, insurance, vignettes, coupons, revisions, as well as related expenses.

The employee will also be able to know in real time if he/she is exceeding any spending limits linked to telephone contracts or telepass utilities, in order to report anomalies or special needs to managers.

Assets and Benefits: THE DELIVERY MODES

The software is available in:

  • License
  • ASP
  • Outsourcing

The advantages

Inaz’s corporate benefits management software offers multiple benefits to the company:

  • Constant updating, from assignment to asset endowment
  • Overview of contractexpirations, audits, and asset-related expenses
  • Real-time verification by the employee of the expense status of their assigned asset
  • Ease and flexibility of use

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