Recuperare il valore del lavoro

V. Coda, S. Gaboardi, G. Gatti, L. Gilli, A. Quadrio Curzio, M. Spera, M. Vitale. Ed.Piccola Biblioteca d’Impresa Inaz 2016, €. 10.00

The book proposes a reflection on the value of work: how to recognise it, how to recover it, how to celebrate it in order to make it a real source of overall enrichment for individuals and society.

Recuperare il valore del lavoro

On the tenth anniversary of the publishing series “Piccola Biblioteca d’Impresa”, reflection can only focus on the value of work: how to recognise it, how to recover it, how to celebrate it in order to make it a real source of overall enrichment for individuals and society.

Publishing series "Piccola Biblioteca d'Impresa"

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