Marco Garzonio. Il doppio sguardo

di E. A. Arslan, T. Ferrario, M. Garzonio, L. Gilli, M. Manzoni, F. Scaparro, E. Soglio, F. Totaro, M. Vitale. ED.PICCOLA BIBLIOTECA D’IMPRESA INAZ 2022, €. 10.00

The book draws from Marco Manzoni's documentary and delves into the life, values and work experience of Marco Garzonio

Cover "Marco Garzonio. Il Doppio Sguardo"

“Marco Garzonio. Il doppio sguardo” is a docufilm by Marco Manzoni, realised by Studio Oikos in collaboration with Inaz and Fondazione Culturale Ambrosianeum, which recounts the life, values and journalistic and psychoanalytical experience of a significant protagonist of Milan’s cultural life. A unique transdisciplinary dimension, a valuable lesson for the younger generations.


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